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DID YOU KNOW? - Window installation

Updated: May 28, 2020


Did you know that if you do not wrap your windows correctly it could lead to dry rot?

This example will be assuming you are starting from sub-siding moving forward. First find you local approved house wrap Rain Guard, Tyvec etc.

Wrap the house wrap past your windows, then cut the house wrap in a large X, then fold the bottom and sides into the windows tacking them on the inside. Do not pull the top in, temporary tack it above the window for now. Now install the window pan flashing, ensure that the pan goes up the vertical sides at least 6”. Install window making sure it is plumb and level. Do not screw in the top flashing of the window.

Now, bring the top house wrap down covering the window flashing, cut the wrap about 1 inch above the window. Using your membrane tape, start from the bottom and work you way up. Run your tape 6” past the window width on each side, then run each vertical side of the window, then cap the top running it past the window 6” on each side.

Now you have a properly flashed window. If you are adding window trim, you must add Z-Flashing above the trim and boxing in the sides.

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